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Home Overview Entity Developer Professional Edition Database Modeling ORM Model Tool Software
Entity Developer Professional Edition Database Modeling ORM Model Tool Software
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Entity Developer Professional Edition Database Modeling ORM Model Tool Software截图 Entity Developer Professional Edition Database Modeling ORM Model Tool Software截图 Entity Developer Professional Edition Database Modeling ORM Model Tool Software截图 Entity Developer Professional Edition Database Modeling ORM Model Tool Software截图 Entity Developer Professional Edition Database Modeling ORM Model Tool Software截图
Entity Developer Professional Edition Database Modeling ORM Model Tool Software
Entity Developer is a powerful ORM designer for ADO.NET entity framework, entity framework core, NHibernate, LinqConnect, Telerik data access, and LINQ to SQL. It introduces a new method for designing ORM models, improves productivity, and promotes the development of database applications.
Pro LINQ to SQL Entity Framework NHibernate
Team Site Individuals
3 Years Maintenance 1 Year Maintenance
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Entity Developer Professional Edition Database Modeling ORM Model Tool Software

Entity Developer Professional Edition Database Modeling ORM Model Tool Software

Professional Edition - Team Edition -3-Year Maintenance
LINQ to SQL - Site Edition -3 Year Maintenance
Entity Framework - Site Edition -3-Year Maintenance
NHibernate - Site Edition -3-Year Maintenance
Professional Edition - Site Edition -3-Year Maintenance
LINQ to SQL - Site Edition -1 Year Maintenance
Entity Framework - Site Version -1 Year Maintenance
NHibernate - Site version -1 year maintenance
Professional version - Site version -1 year maintenance
LINQ to SQL - Team Edition -3 Year Maintenance
Entity Framework - Team Edition -3-Year Maintenance
NHibernate - Team Edition -3 Year Maintenance
Professional Edition - Personal Edition -1 Year Maintenance
LINQ to SQL - Team Edition -1 Year Maintenance
Entity Framework - Team Edition -1 Year Maintenance
NHibernate - Team Edition -1 Year Maintenance
Professional Edition - Team Edition -1 Year Maintenance
LINQ to SQL - Personal Edition -3-Year Maintenance
Entity Framework - Personal Edition -3-Year Maintenance
NHibernate - Personal Edition -3-Year Maintenance
Professional Edition - Personal Edition -3-Year Maintenance
LINQ to SQL - Personal Edition -1 Year Maintenance
Entity Framework - Personal Edition -1 Year Maintenance
NHibernate - Personal Edition -1 Year Maintenance
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Powerful tools for Entity Framework, EF Core, NHibernate, and SQLite to SQL

Entity Developer is ADO NET Entity Framework, Entity Framework Core, NHibernate, LinqConnect, Telerik Data Access, and a powerful ORM designer for Markdown to SQL. It introduces a new approach to designing ORM models, improves productivity, and promotes the development of database applications.

Using physical developers to improve productivity

  1. Faster development

Design a data access layer intuitively through drag and drop operations, and then generate code automatically. Alternatively, models can be generated from the database in just a few minutes, and vice versa.

  1. Eliminate errors

Automated data access layer generation can help you reduce errors in your code. Our code generation template has been in use for many years and has been used by hundreds of users.

  1. Professional tools

Devart is NET data access development solutions have been around for 15 years, while our ORM designer has been in the market for 9 years. It is a professional tool created by experienced developers, designed to make your work more efficient.

various. Visual Designer for NET ORM

Entity Developer can help you create a unified interface for various purposes NET ORM design model. You can obtain support for all ORMs through one tool, or purchase a separate version to use with one of the supported ORMs.

Entity Framework v1-v6

For Entity Framework v1-v6, our designers provide more design and code generation features than EDM designers.

Entity Framework Core

Visualize the core model of the design entity framework. Obtain support for model first and database first through various settings.


Visually edit NHibernate models to generate XML for NHibernate 3 or 4, with fluent or fluent mapping and configuration.

Convert LinQ to SQL

Intuitively design the Jiangyin to SQL model. Get better model first and database first support, and easily apply model changes to the database.


Entity Developer, as its ORM designer, comes with Devart's actively supported Django to SQL compatible ORM, providing more features.

Telerik Data Access

Intuitively design models for the latest version of Telerik Data Access and generate code only mappings through the Fluent Mapping API.

A feature rich designer with powerful code generation capabilities

  1. Seamless Visual Studio integration
  2. Support model first and database first
  3. Visualize the creation of almost all types of mappings
  4. Apply model changes to the database and vice versa
  5. Powerful model reconstruction
  6. Optimization work for large-scale models
  7. Design time execution of SQLite/ESQL/HQL queries
  8. View and edit data in the source table
  9. Backend model validation
  10. C # or VB code generation based on T4 template
  11. Many pre-defined templates
  12. Each type of file, generation of some types
  13. Custom attribute support
  14. Custom template support
  15. Template editor with syntax highlighting
  16. High quality generated code
  17. Highly customizable generation
  18. Automated console application
Entity Developer Professional Edition Database Modeling ORM Model Tool Software LOGO

Official website:https://www.devart.com/entitydeveloper/

Download Center:https://entity-developer.apsgo.cn

Backup Download:N/A

Delivery time:Manually processing orders

Operating platform:Windows

Interface language:Supports English interface display, with multiple languages available.

Update instructions:You can choose the option that needs to be updated and maintained, and the software supports upgrading to the latest version within the validity period. After the maintenance and update period, the software no longer supports updates, but the current version can continue to be used.

Pre purchase trial:Free trial for 30 days before purchase.

How to receive the goods:After purchase, the activation information will be sent to the email address at the time of placing the order, and the corresponding product activation code can be viewed in the personal center, My Orders.

Number of devices:Can install 2 computers (for the same user only).

Replacing the computer:In the account https://secure.devart.com/ After removing the device you have installed, proceed with activation.

Activation guidance:Open the software, Help menu -> Activate the product.

Special instructions:To be added.

Reference materials:https://www.devart.com/orderingfaq.html

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